Hydrotherapy to aid weight loss in dogs
If you have noticed that your dog has put on some extra pounds you may not think that this is a problem however having an obese dog can become a problem quite quickly. Carrying excess weight puts extra pressure on the joints which will eventually lead to joint issues such as arthritis or possible ligament damage meaning expensive surgery may be recommended. Where puppies are still growing and become overweight this can affect their growth and cause further issues later in life. Not only does the excess weight put pressure on the joints it also puts pressure on the lungs and heart an increase in blood pressure making every day activities more difficult. A dogs’ life span can be shortened if they are overweight so it is really important to keep them as fit and healthy for as long as possible. Obese dogs are more likely to contract diabetes which can be costly when it comes to medicating not to mention the impact that this can have on your dog’s life. If your dog ever has to have an operation dogs who are carrying more weight have increased risks when it comes to anaesthesia. Older dogs who are less active find it harder to shift the weight because they are less active. So first thing’s first, visit your Vet and create a plan with them. It is important for the weight to come off at a steady pace rather than a massive weight loss in a short period of time as they are likely to keep it off. Dog food guidelines on the back of dog food packs are guidelines only and each dog is individual so it is a case of monitoring them on a weekly basis. Your Vet may recommend a diet, a change to a low calorie food or extra exercise such as hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy can be added to your dog’s usual routine to help aid weight loss. Because of the resistance of the water hydrotherapy sessions are equivalent to a much greater amount of land based exercise as well as having other benefits such as reducing pain, increasing strength, muscle and mobility which will then help with land based activities. If there is any swelling around the joints hydrotherapy can also help to reduce this. Most importantly as hydrotherapy is non weight bearing exercise this helps reduce the pressure on the joints. If you have an overweight dog and think hydrotherapy can help with your dog’s weight loss then please get in touch.
So I have decided that it would be great to have a blog to let you know what is going on at Loyalwill Canine Hydrotherapy Centre, case studies of the patients I have treated and also I shall be blogging with some topics close to the heart of dog owners in order to try and help you with your dogs. Keep checking in as I have so many topics I would like to cover. I will be back soon.
steph willsOwner of Loyalwill Canine Hydrotherapy Centre ArchivesCategories |